Friday, March 4, 2011

What's for dinner?

No physical progress unless you count the rearranging I did.  I always want to do this when no help is available.  Thank goodness for felt pads - what would I do without them?  I was so tired of having the 'kitchen' behind the sofa plus do I really need two microwaves?  Two weeks was enough.  Old Ken(more) is on craigslist, awaiting a new home.  New Ken cooked my dinner tonight - Trader Joe's Tuna in Red Curry Sauce.  Not bad for a quick meal.  One day I will have a cook top and I'll be able to make home-made curry - Oh, that will be the day!

I've been prowling the internet for sinks, faucets and island hoods this past week.  I committed to an island hood from  I was hoping it would be here before our GC starts next week but I don't think it's even been processed yet?!  I was uber-cheap with a $25 coupon .... AHH!  I just checked the status - 'SHIPPED' !  Very exciting..can't wait to see it.  Hope it looks and works as well as I'm hoping!  Monday I plan to commit to a sink and hit up IKEA for a couple replacement pieces.

Remember kids, measure twice - cut once!  Or have someone else measure and cut for you. ;)

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